Saturday, October 15, 2011

CHALK PAINTING "It's a kind, nice thing to use." -Annie

Today, I went Chalk Painting. I've slowly been hearing about Chalk paint. First, from the blogs, and then from some artist friends. 

I heard there was a class running in high point, and after painting a few pieces of furniture the old way, I decided to see what the chalk paint thing was all about (Zack might have also encouraged me to take the class after he saw some of my creations, but we won't mention that will we?).

I arrived for an all day class at the Faux Works Studio in High Point. I loved the studio area and as I met the other women that had showed up for the class, I realized this was not a hobby class, but for real professionals. AND this was one of the legit classes around.  One person drove from Jacksonville, FL. Five other women drove in from Raleigh!  

Chalk paint basically cuts out all the pre-work, stripping, sanding.  With Chalk paint, you can just start painting your work and add a little wax at the end for depth and effects.  Very easy and cuts down the time you have to work on projects!  All the women were very excited about this paint and the owner, Barbara, just raved about it.  

I learned 6 different painting techniques and about 6 waxing techniques. For me, it was just fun to be around creatives. I'm kind of see myself one-down to most true artists because I can't draw or create half of what I want to create...but I do think I have an eye for things and tend towards the creatives rather than the non-creatives.  On my own, I can come up with some creative things, but put me in a room with creative people and my heart starts to soar and my ideas getter bigger and bigger.  It's complete bliss for me to hang out and create.  

Above are pics of one of the techniques I learned...the crackeled look. I would love to make all my baseboards look like this! 

Friday, October 14, 2011


Last winter my mom and I talked about some new garden ideas for our front yard.  In March, Zack, my mom, and I worked on bringing the idea into reality!

Here's what the front yard looked like this last March


The lawn, is just lawn, no gardens. Nice and crisp, 
but not a lot of flowers.

The front left side of the house has two trees.

The left side of the house is just bare. (We opened
the back yard gates to get a better pic of the 
of the full backyard. For another project!)


   After  three months of working every weekend on the yard, sore muscles from wheel barrowing mulching, and four months of watering the yard every other day....this is our finished project. Gorgeous! and I think it adds some curb appeal as well!  

Front Walkway
(Gardenias, Holly bushes, dwarf rose bushes
and annuals to fill in the space until the perennials 

Front Side of the House
(Pink hydrangeas, irisis, daylillies from 
my mom's garden and buttercup
(wave) petunias)

Left Sid of the House
(New Magnolia tree that should go 20 ft., rose bushes,
snowball tree, potted zinnias, verbena, gerber daisy, irises.)

Wahlah!  There are lots of young plants and a few trees.  I'm not sure you can even see all the plants we put in from the pics, but it looks a lot different. Now that the weather has cooled some, I think the trees and perennials will take off! I can't wait to see how different they look by May of 2012! 

Thanks mom, for all the holes you dug and all the free plants. We couldn't have accomplished all of this without the free plants that you bought us, that are from your yard, and your active vision.  It looks beautiful!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So long Dog Days

It's August. The weather man announced that we have officially ended the dog days of summer. A tinge of loss awoke in my heart as I heard him acknowledge this Benjamin Franklin-y fact. I can't really say it's even rational, I just know that the the sight of school buses and students with back packs makes me feel like I want to savor each day with more emphasis.

Fourth of July comes and then you can't walk into a store without Halloween stuff being all over the place. Retailers trying to scurry me towards fall annoy me! What about August? What about September?

In NC, the weather really doesn't change until late September. These months though seems to be odd every year. It's too hot to be fall, but school has begun. People start wearing jeans even though it's a blazing degrees outside. The summer flowers are out in full bloom, but people start planting pansies! I feel like I'm yelling in slow motion, "Noooooooo! Put those away! It's not time yet!"

I'm a lover of summer. I'm not even sure that is a 100% true seeing that summer gets so hot in July that all you can do is get a pool pass or stay inside for a month. I'm in the latter group. The sun was shining so bright and it was so hot that I spent a lot of time inside this July. No pool pass to my rescue...just an brand new air conditioner that makes life bearable. So, I don't love the super hot, but I love the clothing in summer, the tan, WATERMELON!, peach cobbler, The Beach ( in NC, it's called THE BEACH...that's how they reason to say you are going to Hilton Head or Mrytle...all you need to know is that you are going toward the beach.), Salt Water, Watermelon, Humidity ( love it, I know it's crazy), time to catch up with friends, grilling, sandels, crickets, eating outside, flowers, gardens, home grown vegetables. Need I go on?

Part of it is that I really like August, September, and October in North Carolina. I see them as pre-fall. Fall doesn't really hit here until mid October and goes all the way into early December. But the rest of the holiday planning seems to come now. As soon as school begins people, like to deem it the end of summer and start thinking about Fall like stuff. Where as I am just starting to savor the summers lasts days....

The writing is on the wall though, watermelon prices go up by a dollar. You see less of them in the grocery store. Apple Festivals start advertising themselves at the local coffee shops. So is life....summer is coming to an end. I'm sad about it...wishing I could have my favorite things all year round.

I think my next posts will be some of my favorite recipes from the summer..I always find two or three new recipes during a season that I over indulge in until I'm sick of it. These posts will be in honor of summer and in hopes of prolonging it as long as I can.

If you see me eating watermelon in October, now you won't be surprised!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Love of the day

Room to Inspire

I have a frame that I've been trying to figure out what to do with. I have been thinking about painting the frame white and running wire across the inside. I may still do that, but I like this idea too. You get to use burlap but it's not getting all over your couch.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Next Master Bath

I was perusing the newest blog updates when i came upon Modern Country Style's pics of Belgian Styled bathrooms! My heart started to drool. Man, I feel like someone read my mind. This is pretty much what I would want my bathroom to look like.

I'm not sure about you, but I walk around with images in my mind about what I want rooms to look like in my house. As time passes, I add on or changed things a bit, but none of it is on paper, it's just up in my head. I love when it finally comes together tangibly. Zack will often ask me how I came up with an idea and can't believe I pulled something together. For me, I'm just glad to get it out into the physical world and stop taking up so much space in my head. He seems shocked that I just come up with ideas, but I'm shocked that he thinks it just came together because I've usually been sitting on an idea for years.

This is what I would love my master bath to look like someday. It have to wait until heaven. If so, you are welcome to come over and check out my wonderful master bath when we get there.:)
Don't you think it's gorgeous?

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I've been trying to lose weight this summer. I officially gained about 15 lbs. this year, but really, I've been about 20 lbs. over my normal happy weight. Funny enough, I've been to my annual doctor's visits where they pretty much act like it's not a big deal and that I should just run more, but even if I don't, I'm still at an okay weight to them. I on the other hand have been like, "Um, do I have to get obese for someone to maybe even say that I might need to start watching my weight?"

Oh weight, it's a tricky little friend and it seems to come on so deliciously easy. But don't trust it. Fight it's advances! It is a good friend for awhile, but then trying to lose it is brutal! BRUTAL. I think part of the reason I let the weight go so much is because I know the sort of discipline it takes to lose weight.

So far, I've lost 10 lbs. this summer! I'm determined to lose 5 more lbs. by early August. And I'm just so dang mad about the fact that 10 lbs. less means that I am looking at a number on the scale that use to be my ultimate high. Usually that number use to be the ceiling for me. Seeing that number would have put me on the treadmill in a minute during my 20's. Now, I am celebrating this number! What the what? It's an odd experience. I can even tell that I'm a bit willing to see this new weight as the new norm and give up on losing more....BUT NOOOOoooo! There is still a bit of my mind that keeps reminding that losing weight now is a much better idea than just letting myself keep gaining 5 lbs. every couple of years. all that to say...most of my summer has been about watching my calories. I'm not doing weight watchers because I can't afford that and be able to spend money on decorating the house. I'm a fake weight watcher. I try to count the calories that I eat and am watching how many I am running off.

Right now, my most favorite dessert has been these Dark Chocolate Raspberry Bars from WeightW! Divine! Only 90 calories per bar! Thank you! I've tried one other weight watchers dessert this summer ....and unlike this delicious tasted like cardboard and diet-y. I promise, these DO NOT! I highly recommend them. Not only will you feel like you are eating a decadent dessert, you will have gotten your fix of chocolate and still wake up with less weight on you in the morning!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Major Antrho LOVE

I'm in love with this platter from Anthro. I went on to the site today to get the pic...and guess is no longer available! WHAT?!!! Man, when you find something at Antrho you love and you are a trend setter like me, :) you've got to move fast!

So it's gone. Or at least online, but I might check out the closest store and see if I can get it there. I've been waiting for my July house money envelope to come in (we use Dave Ramsey in our house.) and to reimburse part of my cell phone bill with the good 'ol campus crusades... and now i've waited to long.

But I still have hope, the serving bowl is still available and there is always a chance the store will have it! I'm hopeful!

If I do find this platter or bowl, the beautiful design will be hung in my living room over my couch. I have this wonderful idea in my head about how the old paris map and some other designs will come together. I'll have to see how it works but I think it's going to make me the trendiest girl on the block. :)