Saturday, March 12, 2011

crafting vs buying

I've been looking at lots of blogs this winter. I guess it's my way of zoning out from the realities of life. I've always enjoyed decorating and finally having a place of my own, makes me want to decorate all over the house. I have years of decor all stuffed up in my head.
I was musing about this today. I've been in NYC all week and away from my usual zoning mechanism. I think it has been good for me to get out of Dodge for awhile...have time to see life at full pace again. But getting home, I realize that decor doesn't matter that much and in the scheme of life...decorating is a "get to" and not a "have to".

Oh, the balancing of life's pleasures. Always making sure they are in their appropriate place. I am praying today that God will help me to see things more rightly. God gives us decorating and design and their is nothing wrong with it, but sometimes it becomes too important to me because I find it to be such a fun escape.

The other problem I find with decorating and crafting takes money. Yes there are crafts that are cheap, but those small fees at the dollar store add up.

ANd here is my last problem...sometimes crafting turns out great and looks equal to something you can buy in a store...sometimes crafting should look "crafty"...but sometimes crafting looks cheap and sloppy. As for me, I can barely draw a straight line (Seriously, I almost failed 8th grade science because I couldn't draw a straight line. ) so crafts have a tendency to look cheap the first time around. I have to do a craft a few times before it starts to look quality enough for me to display in the house.

So what am I trying to say? I guess, just that I wish that money wasn't an object that stopped me from buying what I wanted and that I had extensive amounts of money to blow on failed attempts at crafting. LOL!

But since this isn't possible or healthy for me, I'm trying to be aware of what I need to just buy because someone else can do it better than I can and will save me time in my life & what I want to craft because it will be fun and I might actually be able to create with quality.