Zack is on a Dave Ramsey budget. He's great at it! And now that we are married and I'm on it too. Not because I have to, but because it's a good idea and I want to be on the same page as my dear husband. Am I cutting up my credit cards? Not yet. I don't want to go THAT far! But I am choosing to put them away for awhile. It will be a good practice, to be so aware of how I spend my money.
My only problem is the envelopes and booklet Dave gives you for your budget! So blah, blah, blah BORING! These pics are my attempt at spicing up budgeting.
Once again, I feel like I need to write to someone and tell them my so fun ideas! I know that Dave might have a plan in making his cash booklet so bland and boring....don't want to be extravagent with an item that is suppose to scream frugality, but I think a little pizzaz might encourage other women to try out a budget!
Zack and I have some ideas about how we could get some plastic envelopes and do something a bit more trendy than my 7th grade looking 3 ring binder set. :) But this is my first attempt. Don't worry Dave, I've got some great ideas coming down the pike! I mean what girl can say no to colorful plastic folders and vinyle lettering?!
Dave, I could help you make millions!
Oh, oh yeah...I think you already do! whoops!